Here we have the latest installment of my blog tour of the super cool clocks I’m seeing here in the watch epicenter of the world – Switzerland. Maybe there are a few other horology fans enjoying these off-the-typical-topic posts of mine. If you are just joining us, welcome and here are some of the earlier clocks that have impressed me enough to receive a mention here.

Flower clock 1

I’d guess this is the world’s most beautiful clock – sitting right along the lake in Geneva is the L’Horloge Fleurie, or Flower Clock. It’s been there since 1955 – there are approximately 6,500 plants/flowers that change seasonally (if you play around on the googles you can see it in a variety of seasons.) It measures 15.7 meters in circumference, the diameter of the clock is 5 meters. The clock features a second hand, which is 2.5 meters long. The second hand holds the reputation of the being the longest on this planet. I just about took a short video so you could see it spin but you’ll just have to imagine.

flower clock 2

This used to be the largest clock of it’s kind in the world until 2005 when it got beat by a clock in Tehran, Iran.  You be the judge but I like this one far better than the one in Iran.

I have been sermonizing along the way here – my thought on this clock is that time is an absolutely beautiful thing and it is a central part of God’s created order, really it’s a beautiful gift. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says “he has made everything beautiful in its time.” No time, no beauty.

Kaitlyn has a few pics up on her blog from Geneva – check them out. Special thanks to my family for literally walking miles with me to locate these things. This morning we worked up a good lather, spent two hours and never found what I went looking for – Horloge Solaire Et Laser (Solar Laser Clock). We scoured this massive park (Parc Mon Repos) and never found it.  I think someone stole it. Pardon me now as I philosophize for a moment… is time actually wasted if one spends two hours looking for a clock that doesn’t exist?